Ala Loannis2024-05-282024-05-281986 profiles are studied for reclassification according to the USDA Soil Taxonomy System, The data come from soil surveys and investigations carried out since 1977 by the Institute of Soil Classification and Mapping of Larissa and by the Agriculture Faculty of Athens. According to the USDA Soil Taconomy Stystem (1975) the studied profiles are classified in five orders i.e. Mollisols, Entisols, Vertisols, Inceptisols and Alfisols, 7 suborders, 7 great groups, 20 subgroups. In the FAO-Unesco system they fall among the Gleysols, Fluvisols, Regosols, Luvisols, Vertisols, Cambisols and among 15 subunits. There were not sufficient data for the classification purposes and this as well for the chemical analyses (base saturation, cation exchange capacity, extractable cations, sulfidic material, C/N ratio, sometimes organic matter content and amorphous material) as for the particle size analysis (fine sand, fine clay), the physical analyses (bulk density, water retension capacity, n-value, Cole), the mineralogical analyses (clay mineralogy, amorphous minerals, weatherable minirals of 20-200 micron size) and the field observa tions (designation of organic matter, rubbed, dry and moist colour, colour, quantity and size of mottles, depth of cracking pattern, presence of pyroclas tic material, presence of ground water table, orientation, vegetation). Finally many of the chemical analysis should be considered as not accurateenClassificationSoil ProfilesAlluvial Plains AgreeceThessalyPelopennesos USDAFAOSoil Taxonomy SystemsClassification of soil profiles from alluvial plains of greece (thessaly and pelopennesos) according to the USDA and FAO soil taxonomy systemsThesis