Mwanga, Lilian Jesse2023-08-292023-08-292010 thesisFarmers can potentially increase their productivity through adoption of agricultural production innovations, practices, and new input packages, if appropriate extension services are put in place. However, many conventional extension approaches in Tanzania have received criticism for being limited to demonstration of technologies. limited use of farmer’s knowledge, and using the already packaged information. Thus, this study) was conducted to assess the extent of availability, transfer and utilisation of selected cotton and maize agricultural production innovations in Kilosa district, Morogoro region. Specific objectives of the study were to: identify agricultural production innovations available to the extension service; determine the extent to which agricultural production innovations are transferred and utilised; and identify factors contributing to success or failure in transfer and utilisation of agricultural production innovations. Data were collected from 144 respondents including 120 farmers. 4 extension workers and 20 key informants using questionnaires, researcher’s diary and checklist. Data were processed and analysed using SPSS computer programme and “content" analysis technique. The findings showed that agricultural production innovations are generally available although in forms that vary in terms of degree to which they can be helpful to the field extension worker and the farmer. The extent of transfer of agricultural production innovations tends to vary from crop to crop, depending on emphasis given by the government in favour of a particular crop. It was concluded that some of the constraints to transfer such innovations arc of extension nature while others are clearly beyond the responsibilities of the extension worker. The study recommended that efforts be made to refine agricultural production innovations; provision of necessary incentives lo extension workers (such as transport and regular in-service training): and undertake case studies on interaction between field extension workers and farmers.enAgricultural production innovationsTanzaniaKilosa districtTransfer and utilisation of selected agricultural production innovations in Tanzania: a case of Kilosa districtThesis