Rwiza Veronica K.2024-04-292024-04-292013 main objective of the study was to assess gender roles in the cashew nut value chain in Mkuranga. Data were collected along the cashew nut value chain nodes, including 80 producers (farmers), 10 processors, and 10 local traders from Kisutu and Kariakoo markets in Dar es Salaam. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the cashew nut value chain actors. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis was applied. The SPSS statistical software was used for data analysis. The results show that the key actors of cashew nut value chain include input suppliers, producers (farmers), processors, local traders and consumers who play different roles in cashew nut value chain. The study also found that cashew nut is constrained by production, processing, and marketing factors despite having a lot of opportunities at urban, regional and international markets. The roles assigned to men alone in cashew nut value chain were mainly associated with quality control, bargaining and decision making in all cashew nut value chain nodes, selling of raw nuts, selling the processed kernel, which eventually allow men to control income earned in different cashew nut value chain nodes. Hence, it lowers women’s motivation in cashew nut production and involvement in cashew nut value chain leading to lower women cashew nut production potential. The study documented limited frequency of visits of extension agents and lack of credit services to processors, it also documented cultural gender patterns that exist for access to and control over resources available in the cashew nut value chain and unequal income distribution among men and women along the cashew nut value chain nodes. The study recommends that gender equality is vital for cashew nut value chain improvement and calls for efforts from all development stakeholders in cashew nut value chain to focus on gender mainstreaming.enGender RolesCashew Nut Value ChainMkuranga DistrictTanzaniaA study of gender roles in the cashew nut value chain in Mkuranga district, TanzaniaThesis