Gilbert, Ntimba2024-10-182024-10-182014 study explores the impact of trade liberalization policies in Tanzania with special focus on the marketing efficiency of Robusta coffee in Karagwe district. A cross-sectional research design as well as purposive, simple random and snow ball sampling techniques were employed. Data were collected from 120 smallholder coffee farmers, 12 village traders and 11 key informants using semi-structured questionnaire, group discussions and checklists respectively. Qualitative analytical techniques included descriptive statistics such as cross tabulations, means and percentages as well as Quantitative methods such as marketing margins, conventional (simplified) marketing efficiency method and Regression analysis. The study found that farmers sell coffee through main three marketing channels namely; Rural Primary Societies (RPSs) 35%, Private Coffee Buyers (PCBs) 46.7% and Village buyers 18.3%. Farmers selling coffee to Village buyers recorded less marketing margins (90.37%) compared to those selling coffee to PCBs (93.20%) and RPSs (92.90%). The Multinomial Logit Model was employed to determine the factors influencing farmers’ choice for marketing channel using SPSS software version 16. The model results show that three factors; distance, price and age significantly influenced the farmer’s marketing channel choice at p< 0.05 and p< 0.10 levels of significance. The market concentration ratio (CR) for the four and five largest buyers of 87.5% and 90.3% and the Herfindahl- Hirschman Index (HHI) of 0.29; asymmetric market information and bureaucratic licensing system impede fair competition in the industry. The study concludes that coffee marketing system in the study area is inefficient thus; it recommends the reviewing of the existing bureaucratic licensing system, dissemination of coffee marketing information through radios and mobile phones, restructuring of cooperative societies, introduction of formal credit facilities to provide favourable credit to farmers and establishment of strict by-laws and regulations against the use of local unstandardized measurement units.enCoffeeRobustaKaragwe districtTanzaniaCoffee marketing efficiency in the post-liberalization era in Karagwe district, TanzaniaThesis