Mignouna, D.B.Manyong, V.M.Rusike, J.Mutabazi, K.D.SSenkondo, E.M.2022-05-182022-05-182011-01https://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/4155Journal article : AgBioForum, 14(3): 158-163.This study identifies the adoption determinants and causal impact of adoption of imazapyr-resistant maize (IRM) on income and poverty among maize farming households using a logistic model and Heckman selection-correction model. Results from a randomly selected sample of 600 households consisting of 169 adopters and 431 non-adopters reveal that combined specific household, farm, institutional, and technological factors influ- ence the probability of adoption of the technology. The results also showed that adoption of IRM raises farm household income even after controlling for observable and unobservable house- hold characteristics. Conclusions drawn from this study are that the use of IRM for Striga control is a reasonable policy instru- ment to raise small-farm income and reduce poverty among maize farming households.enIRM technology,determinants,adoptionimpactKenyaDeterminants of adopting Imazapyr-resistant maize technologies and its Impact of household Income in Western KenyaArticle