Mourice, Sixbert K.Mlebus, Festo JosephFue, Kadeghe G.2022-06-142022-06-142021-05Mourice, S. K., Mlebus, F. J., & Fue, K. G. (2021). A simple Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for monitoring Tuta absoluta (Gelechiidae) infestation in tomato plants. In 2021 2nd SUA Scientific Conference, SUA Edward Moringe Campus Morogoro, Tanzania (pp. 6). Morogoro, Tanzania: SUA PaperTomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta (Gelechiidae)) is a serious tomato insect pest in Tanzania, and its management or control still posess significant challenge. If left uncontrolled, the loss inflicted by the miner can be as high as 100%. Successful management of the pest may leverage on an integrated pest management (IPM) approach which, requires high throughput data on damage signs over space and time. This needs, in turn, a robust technique for pest monitoring. This study uses a deep learning technique to detect infestation symptoms of T. absoluta on tomato plants. The technique is rapid, automated and doesn’t require trained or experienced personnel. An experiment was carried out at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), where two sets of tomato plants (cv. Asila F1) were planted in a screen house and in an open field. High-quality images of the tomato leaves were captured from both sets at seven days intervals for 70 days following transplanting. More images were collected from tomato gardens around Morogoro town. Collected images were labeled as being infested or non-infested. A simple convolution neural network (CNN) architecture with four convolution layers, three pooling layers, one flat layer and one dense layer, powered by Keras library and python’s Tensorflow backend, was developed in R-Software. The model accuracy was 90% on training and 82% on test data sets. This study suggests that the model can accurately identify T. absoluta infestation in tomato plants to a considerable extent. An in-depth discussion of the technique is provided in the paper.enMachine visionDeep LearningNeural NetworksLepidopteraArtificial IntelligenceA simple convolutional neural network architecture for monitoring Tuta absoluta (Gelechiidae) infestation in tomato plants.Conferencce Proceedings