Mwalilino, Jilisa KL i, ZhaoGuonian, ZhuYingxu, Chen2023-08-022023-08-022001 ArticleA relatively simp le and less expensive m ethod is p ropo sed fo r the determ ination of cyhalofop2butyl (XDE2537) and its m etabo lites: R2(+ ) 222[ 42(22fluo ro242 cyanophenoxy) phenoxy ] p ropano ic acid (AC ID ); R2(+ ) 222[42 (42 carboxyl222fluo ro242 cyanophenoxy) phenoxy ] p ropano ic acid ( D IAC ID ); and 22[42(42carbamoyl222 fluo rophenoxy) phenoxy ] p ropano ic acid (AM IDE). Conversion of the parent compound to its arylöalkylöo r halide derivative fo r determ ination by GC w as found unnecessary. O nly HPLC w as used and under gradient elution all the four compounds separated w ell. Good recoveries w ere obtained w ith the fo rtified so il and w ater samp les. Low pH w as impo rtant fo r the extraction of the four componentsenCyhalofop-butylMetabolitesResidueAnalytical methods for Cyhalofop-butyl and its metabolites in Soil and waterArticle