Mnzava, Ester Ernest2024-08-052024-08-052022 ChapterThis chapter presents an experience shown by university and research library websites in Tanzania follow- ing the outbreak of COVID-19. Content analysis was the main method of data collection and analysis in which the contents of the selected websites were explored to establish various services. Thus, the analysis of the selected library website contents revealed that 12 of 24 library websites had the opening and clos- ing hours, two university library websites had information related to the outbreak of the COVID-19, and 12 had no information related to the outbreak of COVID-19 or changes in the library services following the outbreak of COVID-19. This chapter concludes that library websites provide opportunities for the libraries to serve their users conveniently. However, the experience given by some of the university and research library websites in Tanzania shows a lack of information on how particular libraries serve their users when the working environment and style changed following the outbreak of COVID-19enDigital technologyInformation-sharingLibrary websitesCovid-19 pandemicDigital technology information-sharing prospects: a case of library websites in Tanzania during the covid-19 pandemicBook chapter