Bakari, G. G.Mshamu, S.AAlly, M. HMax, R.ABai, H2022-03-232022-03-232021-090856-145 healing is a complex multicellular process involving many cell types which include; inflammatory cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts and keratinocytes. The process involves an orderly sequence of events with four overlapping phases namely; haemostasis, inflammatory, proliferation and remodeling phases. The process can be facilitated by the use of wound healing agents including herbal remedies from plants. In this study the main objective was to evaluate the in vitro wound healing activity of the resin obtained from Commiphora swynnertonii (C.swynnertonii). First the NIH -3T3 cells viability were evaluated using (3-(4, 5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl Tetrazolium Bromide (MTT) assay. Then the wound scratch assay model was used to evaluate cellular proliferation, closure of the wound and release of matrix metalloproteinase enzymes. Results indicate differences in mean cell viability between different concentrations within 24 hours of incubation. The highest viability was recorded at the concentration of 1% (v/v). The in-vitro wound scratch assay showed positive NIH - 3T3 cells proliferation on the wound area and cells migration when compared with control group (without treatment) at 0 and 24 hours. In addition, C. swynnertonii was able to stimulate secretion of MMP-2 release from NIH - 3T3 cells. MMP-2 is an important enzyme for extracellular matrix remodeling during wound healing suggesting that C. swynnertonii promotes wound healing by stimulating cell proliferation and production of MMP-2 in a mechanism that is currently not known.enWoundComiphorahealingremodelingmetalloproteinasesNIH - 3T3 cellsIn-vitro wound healing properties of commiphora swynnertonii resinous extractsArticle