Singh, Bal RamSafalaoh, AndyAmuri, Nyambilila AEik, Lars OlavSitaula, Bishal KLal, Rattan2021-03-042021-03-042020978-3-030-37536-2 major challenge related to sustainable management of natural resources, agricultural and livestock production, and the assessment of innovative technologies and policies is to identify solutions for these problems. Soil degradation, a serious problem in sub-Saharan Africa, is affected by climate change through emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Thus, restoration and sustainable management of soil to minimize risks of soil degradation are important to adaptation and mitigation of climate change and to advancing sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Livestock is a source of animal proteins for humans on the one hand and a source of nutrients and energy (biogas) on the other. However, livestock is vulnerable to many climate change-induced disasters such as prolonged droughts and floods, resulting in loss of animals and feed resources. In order to fully benefit from livestock, the targeted interventions needed include adoption of feed preservation technologies, including hay and silage for use during lean periods, controlled planning and management of com- munal grazing areas, rehabilitation of degraded communal grazing areas, and range- lands as a way of improving pasture availability. Research and development priorities and emerging issues include conservation agriculture (CA), use of legume-based crop- ping systems, integrated nutrient management (INM), climate-resilient livestock and feed systems, value addition policies, and adoption of innovative technologies.enClimate impactsagricultural resourcesnatural resourcesagricultural sustainabilityfood accessAfricaClimate Impacts on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in AfricaBook