Msinde, J.Urassa, J. KNathan, I.2018-06-232018-06-232018978-83-7401-645-2 paper investigates the mechanism in which off-farm employment offsets the effect of crop income shocks. Using data collected from paddy farming households in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania, we examine the interaction between seasonal farm and off-employment activities and how this interaction enables households to address crop income shock. A set of participatory rural appraisal approaches supported by economic estimation is used. Results from focus group discussions and seasonal calendars show that, availability of some off-farm incomes such as those related to farm wage do not covary with farm income, a feature that is critical for ex post shock strategies as it enables households to smooth income during the farming season. Evidence from econometric estimation showed that engagement in non-farm self-employment, which is largely available during the farming off-season, plays an essential risk management role and cushions against crop-based income shocks. These findings imply that insurability of off-farm employment depends not only on the type of off-farm activities, but is also shaped by seasonality. Therefore, given the prevailing condition of imperfection in credit and crops insurance marketin rural areas, formulation of policies that enhance growth and diversification of income sources out of farming is of utmost importance in addressing crop related susceptibility.enOff-farm employmentKilombero valleyOff-farm incomePaddy priceSeasonalityOff-farm employment response to idiosyncratic shocks to crop income in Kilombero valley, TanzaniaBook chapter