Mwinami, Nolasko VictoryDulle, Frankwell W.Mtega, Wulystan Pius2024-08-052024-08-052023-03-10To cite this article: Nolasko Victory Mwinami, Frankwell W. Dulle & Wulystan Pius Mtega (2023): A Study of Data Sources for Accessibility and Reuse Practices among Agricultural Researchers in Tanzania, Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, DOI: 10.1080/10496505.2023.2190899 To link to this article: articleThis paper reports a study that investigated how agricultural researchers use and reuse other researchers’ data in Tanzania. This research used a survey method to investigate the factors influencing researchers in this use/reuse. Findings indicated that more than 80% of researchers use and reuse data accessed from different sources. Several factors influence the majority of researchers (more than 70%) to use and reuse data. The results of this study may attract the attention of agricultural researchers elsewhere to agricultural data use and reuse practices.enData SourcesAccessibilityReuse practicesTanzaniaAgricultural researchersA study of data sources for accessibility and reuse practices among agricultural researchers in TanzaniaArticle