Baltazari, AnnaMtui, Hosea D.Mwatawala, Maulid W.Chove, Lucy M.Msogoya, TheodosySamwel, JaspaSubramanian, Jayasankar2023-03-082023-03-082019-10-15 JOURNAL OF FRUIT SCIENCE 2020, VOL. 20, NO. 4, 737–749The fruits of Msasa and Jaffa orange varieties were harvested and subjected to post-harvest treatments namely; dipping in hexanal, dipping in calcium chloride and compared with untreated control; and they were stored at ambient (28 ± 2° C) and reduced temperatures (18 ± 2°C) conditions. Data were collected on the 0, 4 th , 8 th , and 12 th days from the date of fruit harvest. Chemical analyses were conducted to determine vita- min C content, total sugars, reducing sugars and total flavo- noids. Post-harvest treatments had a significant effect on vitamin C and total flavonoids of Jaffa orange fruit. Hexanal treated fruit had higher values of total flavonoids, vitamin C, and total sugars compared to calcium chloride treated and control fruit. The storage durations showed significant effects on the vitamin C content of Jaffa, total flavonoids, the total and reducing sugars of both fruit varieties. Vitamin C and total flavonoids decreased with increasing storage duration of fruit. The significant interactions of factors were observed on total sugar which was increasing with increasing storage duration, but higher in hexanal treated and ambient stored fruit. Based on consumer acceptance test, the hexanal treated fruits were the most liked followed by calcium chloride treated and untreated fruits based on the appearance, taste, texture and overall acceptability.enVitamin CFlavonoidsReducing sugarTotal sugarConsumer acceptabilityAttributesEffects of storage conditions, storage duration and post-harvest treatments on nutritional and sensory quality of orange (Citrus sinensis (L) Osbeck) fruitsArticle