Msasalaga, Lazaro Henry2024-03-282024-03-282008 DissertationThe objectives of this work were to study soybean cultivars milk yield and the acceptability of their flavoured soymilk. Whole soybeans varieties (TGX 1895-49F, TGX 1876-4E and TGX 1895-33F) were analysed for proximate composition, selected micronutrients and milk yield. The whole soybeans protein contents, with iron contents in brackets, for TGX 1895-33F, TGX 1876-4E and TGX 1895-49F were 43.998% (6.953 mg/100 g), 37.015% (19.670 mg/100 g) and 33.825% (10.580 mg/100 g) on dry matter basis respectively. Similarly the milk from the three varieties was analysed for proximate composition and selected micronutrients including P-carotene. The respective percentage milk yield for varieties TGX 1895-33F, TGX 1895-49F and TGX 1895-4E were 66.516, 66.063 and 56.122. These were found to be significantly different. The soymilk protein contents, with iron contents in brackets, for TGX 1895-33F, TGX 1876-4E and TGX 1895- 49F were 4.499%w/v (9.569±1.868 g/100 g), 3.516%w/v (4.755±0.147 mg/100 g) and 4.271%w/v (4.072±0.057 mg/100 g) respectively. These together with moisture, oil, fibre, carbohydrates, ash and P-carotene were found to be significantly different. It was observed that the variety that contained the highest amount of protein had the highest iron and P-carotene. There was no significant difference among samples in calcium, zinc and copper content. Energy content for each of the three varieties was calculated. The milk yield, proximate and micronutrient data were ranked using Excel software to identify two suitable cultivars for efficient production of soymilk. The primary, secondary and tertiary selection criteria were milk yield, protein content and iron content respectively. After ranking, the milk from the two varieties (TGX 1895-33F and TGX 1895-49F) was fortified with three flavouring agents (vanilla, banana and pineapple) each at three levels i.e. 0, 0.015% and 0.030% with the 0 level serving as a control. Fortified products were assessed for colour, taste, aroma, mouth feel and overall acceptability on a 5 point hedonic scale. Sensory evaluation results showed that of the three artificial flavours, pineapple flavour was the most effective compared with vanilla and banana flavour. The effectiveness was found significant (p<0.05) on the aroma and overall acceptability of soymilk with scores increasing with increasing level. Effectiveness was non significant (p>0.05) for colour, taste, and mouth feel. However, general comments were made by most panellists on the addition of sugar to improve taste. It was concluded in this study that TGX 1895-33F is the most effective cultivar for efficient production of soymilk and pineapple flavour being the most acceptable flavouring agent for soymilk.enFlavoured soy-milkSoybean cultivarsMilk yieldSoybeans varietiesSoybean cultivars milk yield and relative acceptability of their flavoured soy-milkThesis