Nyamba, Siwel YohakimSanga, Damian Z.M.2022-06-302022-06-3020212251-7588https://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/4292Journal articleThis paper presents findings of the study about youth engagement in agricultural activities in Tanzania: It highlights the status and prospects for the Tanzania’s Agricultural Sector Development. The study was conducted in Makambako Town Council, Njombe region in Tanzania. The overall objective of the study was to assess the contribution of youth engagement in agricultural activities onto their livelihoods and the states’ agricultural sector development. Specifically, the study sought to: identify socio economic characteristics influencing youth involvement in agricultural activities in the study area, identify the potential agricultural activities and other income generating activities affecting youth livelihood in the study area, examine the contribution of the identified activities in addressing their needs, determine the level of their involvement in agricultural activities and identify factors influencing their engagement in agricultural activities. The study employed a cross- sectional research design to a sample size of 120 respondents. A structured questionnaire was the main tool while information from Key Informants and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) compliment the quantitatively generated information. Quantitative data analysis was aided by computer software known the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to yield some statistics like frequencies and percentages which were later interpreted to conclude the assumptions. Content analysis technique used to analyse qualitative data. The findings revealed that youth perceived agriculture as their first-rate occupation and that majority said they see a lot of prospects as they engage with agriculture, both on and off the farm. The study recommends that intervention strategies for improving youth engagement in agricultural activities should revolve around sufficiently attracting innovative public investment in supportive rural public goods and services to farmers, including making agriculture a national priority promote it as a decent and productive employment.enYouthTanzaniafarmingYouth engagement in agricultural activities: status and prospects For Tanzania agricultural sector developmentArticle