Rutatora, Deogratias F.Mattee, Amon Z.2022-05-182022-05-182001-12 article: African Study Monographs, 22(4): 155-173While agricultural extension services in Tanzania have mostly been provided and financed by the public sector, the landscape is changing with regard to the provision of extension services in the country. Observations reveal that several non-governmental organi- sations (NGOs) and farmer-led initiatives have, over time, supplemented extension service delivery of the public extension services with cost-sharing, but these experiences have not been formally integrated into the extension system nor has their potential to reduce public expenditure and improve quality of extension service been considered. As the government continues to face financial difficulties, it has started to reconsider the issue of public exten- sion service and is currently entertaining the possibilities of gradually divesting the public sector of extension, leaving the private sector and users to take an increasing responsibility. This paper brings to light major providers of extension services in Tanzania to help inform decision-makers on how various actors can support agricultural extension on a sustainable basis.enPublic extension serviceAgricultural extension providersCost effectivenessPrivate extension serviceTanzaniaMajor agricultural extension providers in TanzaniaArticle