Das, Shoshinder Sachindra Manmohan2024-06-132024-06-131988https://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/6257Masters DissertationFifteen years data on reproductive traits and viability of calves were analysed. Data were collected from cattle records at Livestock Production Research Institute, Mpwapwa, in Central Tanzania. The reproductive traits studied were age at first calving, calving interval (CI), dry period (DP), days open and conception rate (CR)., The genetic groups in the study were Mpwapwa, F^-crossline and Backcross having 8.0%, 54.0% and 31.0% Bos taurus genetic propor- tion, respectively. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the influence of genetic and environmental factors on reproductive traits and viability of calves, to estimate repeatabilities for reproductive efficiency traits (CI, DP and days open) and to .evaluate the relationship between reproductive traits and milk production traits. Overall mean ageenReproductive efficiencyTraits and viabilityMpwapwa cattleReproductive efficiency traits and viability of calves of Mpwapwa cattle and their crossesThesis