Nyamba, S. Y.Kalungwizi, V. J.Mlozi, M.R.SBusindeli, I. M.Kilima, F. T. M.Msuya-Bengesi, C. P.Chija, B. B.Mvena, Z. S. K.Gabagambi, MGjotterud, S. M.Kiranga, E2021-07-162021-07-1620202251-7588https://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/3733Journal ArticleT he major challenge for the tomato farmers is getting a fair price at the market price given that there are many actors involved in the tomato value chain. Given this situation, this project's goal was to improve communication pathways in dissemination of agricultural market information in tomato value chains in Iringa and Dodoma Regions in Tanzania. The specific objectives were to: identify and assess the status of tomato production and information sharing among the various actors in every node in the tomato value chain; identify the communication and knowledge dissemination pathways in tomato value chain; examine the efficacy of communication and knowledge dissemination pathways in tomato value chain; establish the innovative communication and knowledge dissemination pathways in tomato value chain, and enhance capacity and empower the various stakeholders involved in the tomato value chain. One way of achieving the goal of the study was to come up with an innovative communication pathway that would improve the marketing of tomatoes by directly linking farmers to markets. The study has developed a system called Tomato Value Chain Information System (ToVCIS). The system links famers to different markets in the Tanzania by sending text messages to a control centre which is fed with prices on a daily basis by government employed marketenInformation systemMarketing informationToVCISTanzaniaTomato value chain information system in tanzania:lessons from Kilolo District and Dodoma Municipality, TanzaniaArticle