Mthandi, J.Kahimba, F.C.Tarimo, A.K. P.R.Salim, B.A.Lowole, M.W2016-07-112016-07-112015 losses by leaching only occur when the capacity of the ecosystem to accumulate nitrogen has been saturated (which may take considerable time if the rate of nitrogen input is low). The research study was conducted at Nkango Irrigation Scheme in Kasungu district to determine the impact of nitrogen application regime on N leaching. Maize (SC 407) was a test crop. The planting and harvest were done on Julian day of 2012152 and 2012250 respectively. Water regime was kept constant at 100% of maize full water requirement regime (FWRR) while N application varied from 92 kg N/ha which represents Typical Nitrogen Placement Rate in the area (TNPRA), 125% of TNPRA (115 N kg/ha); 75% of TNPRA (69 N kg/ha); to 50% of TNPRA (46 N kg/ha). The EU-Rotate_N model was used to run the field data. The paper concluded that treatments that received high amount of inorganic N fertilizer lost more nitrogen through N leaching. Plant roots will only absorb nitrogen it requires leaving excess to be leached by water below the active rooting zone. The study also concluded that EU-Rotate_N model to perfectly predict N leaching from irrigated maize production. The study also found out that applying N fertilizers at once increase its susceptibility to leaching and therefore the study recommended that to apply N fertilizer in several small applications during the cropping season.enN fertilizerWater application regimeN leachingEU-rotateN ModelEU-Rotate N Model.Using EU-rotate_N model to determine effects of nitrogen application dosage on N leachingArticle