ZHU, Guo-nianHui ming, WUMwalilino, Jilisa K.Shao-nan, L I2023-08-072023-08-072002http://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/5540Journal ArticleInvestigations w ere carried to assess the sublethal effects of a herbicide clincher ( 100 EC) containing cyhalofop2butyl [ 100 g (a. i) ·L - 1 ] as the active ingredient and the insecticide p rofurite2am inium [ 78% SP, 780 g (a. i) ·kg - 1 ] on liver esterases and hepatic glutath ione2S 2transferase (GST ) in go ldfish (Carassius au ratus) and topmouth gudgeon (P seud orasbora p arva). GST w as found to be induced in bo th go ldfish and topmouth gudgeon by the p rofurite2am inium at concentration of 0. 234 m g·L - 1 . Clincher bo th at concentration of 1 and 2 m g·L - 1 caused GST induction in topmouth gudgeon. The m ixture of clincher and p rofurite2am inium had the h ighest effect in topmouth gudgeon 722. 3 nmo l· (m in - 1·m g - 1 p ro tein ) w ith a po ssible indication of additive toxicity. L iver esterases w ere induced by bo th clincher (1 and 2m g·L - 1 ) and p rofurite2am inium (0. 117 and 0. 234m g·L - 1 ) in go ldfish. In topmouth gudgeon liver esterases w ere induced by p rofurite2am inium but inh ibited by clincher. It is suggested that the two bio transfo rm ation enzym es m ay be directly o r indirectly affected by the tested chem icals and that there are differences betw een themencyhalo top-butylprofurite-aminiumliver esteraseGSTsublethal effectResponse of gstase and L iver esterase in goldf ish (Ca rra sius aura tus) and topmouth gudegon (Pseudora sboraparva ) after sublethal exposure to cyhalofop-butyl and profur ite-am in iumArticle