Alexandre, Ciza2023-03-062023-03-062022 (Daucus carota L.) is a crop cultivated in Tanzania, but its productivity is still low, mainly due to poor agronomic practices and limited information on optimal levels of water along with type and level of fertilizer application that enhance crop production. Thus, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of carbonate foliar application (lithovit), soil-based NPK fertilizer application and various levels of water application on the growth, yield and quality of carrots under the semi-arid conditions of Morogoro in Tanzania. Various water application levels in the first season (96.6 m 3 for 100% (I 100 ), 77.28 m 3 for 80% (I 80 ) and 57.96 m 3 for 60% (I 60 )) equivalent to 475.83 mm, 380.67 mm, and 285.498 mm and in the second season (47.34 m 3 for 100% (I 100 ), 37.872 m 3 for 80% (I 80 ) and 28.404 m 3 for 60% (I 60 )) equivalent to 233.64 mm, 186.92 mm, and 140.19 mm, respectively, with different rates of lithovit (1, 1.5 and 2 g/L/plant) and 150 kg NPK ha -1 were applied. The experiment was set as a 3×6 factorial in a split plot design. ANOVA on the growth, yield, and quality parameters was done with the aid of Genstat statistical software. NPK soil-based fertilizer application level of 2 g/plant under full irrigation, represented by the replenishment of 100% of ET c , appears to be optimal for carrot production. Full irrigation was found to be superior to other levels for carrot production. The interaction between full irrigation and the 2 g/plant fertilizer rate of soil-based NPK fertilizer enhanced carrot production compared to other interactions. Foliar fertilizer may not satisfy the complete nutrient requirement of the crop; further study on carrot productivity should be conducted using soil-based NPK fertilizer and foliar fertilizer in combination with organic fertilizers under various water application levels for comparative purposes.enPerformanceCarrotsFertilizationWaterApplication regimesPerformance of carrots under various fertilization and water application regimesThesis