Mbugi, Erasto VKayunze, Kim AKatale, Bugwesa ZKendall, SharonGood, LiamKibik, Gibson SKeyyu, Julius DGodfrey-Faussett, Petervan Helden, PaulMatee, Mecky I2022-10-182022-10-182012Mbugi, E.V., Kayunze, K.A., Katale, B.Z., Kendall, S., Good, L., Kibik, G.S. et al. 2012, ‘”One Health” infectious diseases surveillance in Tanzania: Are we all on board the same flight?’, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 79(2), Art. #500, 7 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ojvr.v79i2.500http://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/4688ProceedingInfectious diseases account for nearly 40% of the burden of human mortality and morbidity in low-income countries, of which 7% is attributable to zoonoses and 13% to recently emerging diseases from animals. One of the strategic approaches for effective surveillance, monitoring and control of infectious diseases compromising health in both humans and animals could be through a combination of multiple disciplines. The approach can be achieved through a joint effort from stakeholders comprising health professionals (medical and veterinary), social, economic, agricultural, environmental and other interested parties. With resource scarcity in terms of number of staff, skills and facility in low-income countries, participatory multi- sectoral and multidisciplinary approaches in limiting the burden of zoonotic diseases could be worthwhile. We review challenging issues that may limit the ‘One Health’ approach for infectious diseases surveillance in Tanzania with a focus on Health Policy and how best the human and animal health systems could be complemented or linked to suit the community in need for disease control under the theme’s context.enOne HealthTanzaniaDiseasesSurveillance‘One Health’ infectious diseases surveillance in Tanzania: are we all on board the same flight?Article