Tarmo, TheophiliMsuya, DunstanNjau, Paul2024-02-142024-02-1420192278-3202https://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/5903Journal ArticleFungi associated with Pigeon pea seed were studied using 80 seeds samples of pigeon pea collected from Babati and Karatu districts in northern Tanzania. The standard moist blotter test was used to detect fungi on seeds. The tested pigeon pea samples yielded d more than 12 different fungal species. Fusarium udum which is a pathogen of seed health certification significance was detected in 33 samples from Babati (equivalent to 82.5%) and 36 samples from Karatu districts (equivalent to 90%) of the samples. Eleven n other seed infesting fungi were also intercepted, with Rhizopus spp appearing in all samples and having the highest incidence of 23.2% for Karatu and 16.1% for Babati district followed by Aspergillus flavus having the incidence of 20.3% and 15.7% for Karatu atu and Babati districts, respectively. The other species ranged between 1.1% and 10.1% for Babati and 0.7% and 13.7% for Karatu. Significant correlation existed between seed purity and incidence of Cladosporium spp and between seed moisture content and in incidence cidence of Fusarium moniliforme; but the correlation with purity was positive against expectation. Even though farm farm-saved saved seeds may be localized with the practicing farmer or within a restricted locality, generally it is suggested that in those areas where seed borne pathogens are endemic and farm-saved farm seeds is predominant farmers’ awareness on Fusarium wilt disease should be created. It is also suggested that farmers should be trained on how to reduce seed transmission of the diseases at least by rouging the infected plants in the field and selective harvesting of the crop to be used as seed.enBlotter paper methodFungiPigeon pea seedsTanzaniaFungi intercepted in seeds of pigeon pea ( (cajanus cajan (l.) grown in Northern Tanzania and relation to quality attributes of the seedsArticle