Imamu, Abubeker Hassen2025-02-062025-02-061997 dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of science in agricultureA study comprising two field experiments was conducted to examine the effects of nitrogen fertilizer application time and and phosphorus (N) harvest of (P) seed on production, dry matter (DM) yield and nutritive value of hamata Stylosanthes Stylosanthes and guianensis at Morogoro. Split-plot experimental design was used in the study. In experiment I, two levels of N (0 and 30 kg/ha) and two levels of P (0 and 3 0 kg/ha) were arranged factorially as a main-plot treatment. In experiment II, four levels of P (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg/ha) were applied with 30 kg N/ha as a main-plot treatment. In both experiments sub-plots were harvested at 50 % flowering stage, 4th , 5th , 6th and 7th week post 50 % flowering stage. The results showed that N application increased seed yield, DM yield and crude protein 67.3, 45.68 and (CP) % of S.hamata by 9.63 percent as compared to the control, respectively. N application also increased CP %, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) %, in vitro organic matter digestibility content of (IVOMD) % S.guianensis andmetabolizable by4.44, 5.92, energy 3.64 and (ME) 3.59 percent over the control, respectively. However, the DM and seed yield of S.guianensis tended to decline with N application. Phosphorus fertilizer application on the other hand did not affect seed yield and DM yield of S.hamata. However, it increased the leaf:stem ratio, harvesting index and seed yield of S.guianensis. herbage produced declined in The over all quality of both species with P application in terms of digestibility and subsequently the ME content as compared to the control. Maximum return per Tanzanian Shilling (Tsh) invested on N was obtained from S.hamata kept for both seed and fodder production (12.02 Tsh) , followed by the same species kept for seed production alone (9.75 Tsh) . The maximum return per Tsh invested on P was obtained from S. guianensis kept for seed production alone (8.02 Tsh), followed by the same species kept for both seed and fodder production( 5.05 Tsh). In both S.hamata and S.guianensis increasing time of harvest increased harvesting index, seed yield and herbage DM yield. However, peak seed yield was not yet attained within the range of harvesting time considered for S.hamata while it was at the 6 th week for S.guianensis. In both Stylosanthes species ash %, CP %, and DCP content declined with increasing time of harvest. However, the acid detergent fibre (ADF) %, and acid detergent lignin (ADF) % in DM of the two species responded to increasing time of harvest differently. Both ADF and ADL % in DM increased in S.hamata and declined in S.guianensis with increasing age of the plant. This trend was reflected on the in vitro digestibility value of the feed which declined continuously in S. hama ta and increased after the 5ch week in S.guianensis. It was concluded that starter dose of N application enhanced seed production, DM yield and quality of the forage in S .hamata; where as S.guianensis benefited only in terms of quality improvement of the forage. Application of P was not beneficial under Morogoro condition for S.hamata while for S.guianensis, P application at the rate of 60 kg P/ha gave higher seed yield and quality forage than the rest of P levels tested. Large yield differences were observed between early Vs. late harvesting time in both S. hamata and S. guianensis in terms of seed yield, DM yield and quality of herbage produced. This preliminary work, therefore, suggested that harvesting time for optimum seed production should be at the 7th and 6 th week post 50enSeed productionDry matter yieldFertilizer applicationNutritive valueStylosanthes speciesMorogoro.Seed production, dry matter yield and nutritive value of two stylosanthes species as affected by fertilizer application and time of harvest at Morogoro.Thesis