Dalsgaard, SØrenFunder, MikkelHagelberg, NiklasHarrison, PaulHaule, ChristognusKabalimu, KekiliaKilahama, FelicianKilawe, EdwardLewis, Simon L.Lovett, Jon C.Lyatuu, GertrudeMarshall, Andrew R.Meshack, CharlesMiles, LeraMilledge, Simon A.H.Munishi, Pantaleo K.T.Nashanda, EvaristShirima, DeoSwetnam, Ruth D.Willcock, SimonWilliams, AndrewZahabu, EliakimBurgess, Neil D.Bahane, BrunoClairs, TimDanielsen, Finn2022-05-202022-05-202010https://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/4200The proposed mechanism for Reducing Emis- sions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) offers significant potential for conserving forests to reduce negative impacts of climate change. Tanzania is one of nine pilot countries for the United Nations REDD Pro- gramme, receives significant funding from the Norwegian, Finnish and German governments and is a participant in the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. In combination, these interventions aim to mitigate green-house gas emissions, provide an income to rural commu- nities and conserve biodiversity. The establishment of the UN-REDD Programme in Tanzania illustrates real-world challenges in a developing country. These include currently inadequate baseline forestry data sets (needed to calculate reference emission levels), inadequate government capacity and insufficient experience of implementing REDD+-type measures at operational levels. Additionally, for REDD+ to succeed, current users of forest resources must adopt new practices, including the equitable sharing of benefits that accrue from REDD+ implementation. These challenges are being addressed by combined donor support to im- plement a national forest inventory, remote sensing of forest cover, enhanced capacity for measuring, reporting and verification, and pilot projects to test REDD+ imple- mentation linked to the existing Participatory Forest Man- agement Programme. Our conclusion is that even in a country with considerable donor support, progressive forest policies, laws and regulations, an extensive network of managed forests and increasingly developed locally-based forest management approaches, implementing REDD+ pre- sents many challenges. These are being met by coordinated, genuine partnerships between government, non-government and community-based agencies.enCarbonCopenhagenCoP 15REDD+TanzaniaUNFCCCForestsGreen- house gasGetting ready for REDD+ in Tanzania: a case study of progress and challengesArticle