Kindeketa, W.J.2021-07-292021-07-292018 ProceedingsTanzania is one of the highest biodiversity in the world, containing a significant number of endemic and threatened plant, mammal, bird, reptile, frog, butterfly, snail, and millipede species. Tanzania has set aside about 40% of her area for conservation, including total land mass and marine area, hence categorized as a ‘mega-diversity’ nation. There are about four identified financing sources of forestry research sector in Tanzania, including Government budgetary allocations, retained income from forest revenues, grants from Tanzania Government and development partners, and private financing. The Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) as one of the financing sources for Research and Development is an apex body for the coordination, promotion, and popularization of Science and Technology in Tanzania. COSTECH supports Research and Development activities through the National Fund for the Advancement of Science and Technology (NFAST) in terms of grants and awards. The funding from the NFAST specifically aims at: supporting research with special emphasis in the national priority areas; supporting development and transfer of appropriate technologies; supporting capacity building in Research and Development and Science and Technology Institution’s (STIs) activities; supporting organization of and/or attendance to scientific fora and information dissemination through publications; promoting innovativeness and inventiveness through the provision of awards; commissioning individuals, groups of individuals, institutions or groups of institutions to undertake research or studies in special areas identified by the Commission; and supporting any other activities whose objectives would be the promotion of STIs for national development.enForestryNFASTFinancingCommissionCOSTECHNational Research PriorityFinancing forestry research mechanism: Tanzania commission for science and technology experienceConferencce Proceedings