Kajuna, F.FMwang’onde, B.JHolst, C.Ngowi, B.Noll, JWinkler, A.S.Ngowi, H.A.2023-04-172023-04-172020http://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/5190Journal ArticleSocio-cultural settings and lifestyles of communities in Taenia solium taeniosis/cysticercosis (TSTC) in endemic areas influence significantly the epidemiology of the disease. This study investigated the community perceptions and practices influencing the occurrence and endemicity of TSTC. A cross- sectional survey focusing on pig-keeping households was carried out in three wards of Iringa District Council as a representative of other TSTC endemic areas. Questionnaire and observation checklists were employed for data collection. Eighty-seven (99%) of the 88 surveyed households had pit latrines, and 84(95%) of the households were found using their latrines. These latrines varied from good to a very good quality according to subjective qualitative scores. About 294 (85%) pigs were enclosed and 52(15%) were free roaming. The results indicated poor adherence to routine pig inspection at sales (50% inspection) and less pork inspection at slaughter (50% uninspected). Furthermore, there were no authorized centres for slaughter and sales. Health Officers and farmers were comfortable with the boiling form and home prepared pork (>90%). Health Officers perceived deep-frying and roasting of pork as inappropriate preparation methods. Generally, the social cultural practices and life style in the study area promoted the endemicity of Taenia solium life cycle. A strategy for surveillance on socio- cultural practices in the community is important during planning for TSTC control. This community needs sustainable health education on TSTC diseases control.enPerceptionpigpublic-hygienerisk factorstaeniosis/cysticercosisSocio-cultural practices related to taenia solium taeniosis and cysticercosis Epidemiology in endemic areasArticle