Kayombo, Canisius JohnNdangalasi, Dr. Henry JosephMligo, Dr. CosmasGiliba, Richard AlphonceShirima, Dr. Deo D2022-09-232022-09-2320202707-43152707-4323http://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/4609Journal ArticleEvaluating the aboveground carbon stocks is important for scientific awareness of the vegetation condition. The study was conducted from August to September 2019 to quantify the aboveground carbon (AGC) stocks in Afromontane vegetation of Image Forest Reserve (IFR), in southern highlands of Tanzania. Ground surveys were conducted to identify the existing land cover types in IFR. A total of 170, 20 m x 40 m rectangular sample plots were systematically set on the land cover types at an interval of 250 m. The standing tree species with DBH ≥5 cm were identified and measured for their DBH (cm) at 1.3 m from the ground. Tree stumps were measured at 5 cm from the ground. Allometric equations were used to calculate the aboveground biomass and multiplied by a carbon factor of 0.47 (0.5) to get AGC. ANOVA was applied to compare the AGC within land cover types. Grounded on this study’s findings, an overall AGtC Ha -1 per land cover type ranged from 7,190.59 ± 9.49. Forest stored the largest AGtC Ha -1 (7,190.59) trailed by woodland (1,662.13), shrub land and grassland (171.54), and bare land and rock outcrops (9.49). The calculated AGC of each tree species per hectare (AGtC Ha -1 ) ranged from 878.14 ± 0.02. This study revealed a significant difference in AGtC Ha –1 within the forest, woodland, shrub land and grassland, bare land and rock outcrops. Out of the 187 measured tree species, 7 were known to contribute the highest AGtC Ha -1 (878.14 ± 411.61), 14 were in the medium category (322.42 ± 103.28), 53 each contributed low (94.31 ± 10.00), and 113 each contributed very low (9.28 ± 0.02). Further study is needed to assess the whole carbonenAboveground Carbon StocksAfromontane VegetationImage Forest ReserveKilolo DistrictQuantification of above ground carbon stocks in afromontane vegetation of image forest reserve (IFR), southern highlands of TanzaniaArticle