Jeckoniah, John2019-05-152019-05-152015-12-301821-875X paper aimed at examining women’s access to Microfinance services and its association with their livelihood improvement in Arusha District Council, and the attitude that women have towards microfinance services for livelihood improvement. A cross sectional research design was adopted and data were collected using a questionnaire, a total of 120 women who were engaged in different income generating activities were involved. Descriptive statistical analysis and summated scale technique was applied to likert scale to gauge women’s attitude towards MFIs. T-test was used to compare the economic contribution MFIs into women livelihood between those participating in the MFIs activities and non beneficiaries. The study results revealed that women’s access to microfinance services has a positive impact on their livelihoods. It was also found that majority of women involved in the study had positive attitude towards MFI services as compared to their nonparticipant counterpart. Men were also reported to be obstacle to women’s access to MFI services. It is recommended to government and non governmental organisations to introduce and expand functional financial literacy to improve women knowledge on MFIs services and increase the efficiency in managing their IGAs as well as efforts to increase more women participation in microfinance credits scheme for their improved well beingenWomenMFI’s servicesAccessLivelihood.Women’s Access to Microfinance Services in Arusha District Council: Implication for Livelihood ImprovementArticle