Mweya, Clement NKimera, Sharadhuli IStanley, GradesMisinzo, GeraldMboera, Leonard E. G2023-09-192023-09-192016Mweya CN, Kimera SI, Stanley G, Misinzo G, Mboera LEG (2016) Climate Change Influences Potential Distribution of Infected Aedes aegypti Co- Occurrence with Dengue Epidemics Risk Areas in Tanzania. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0162649. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0162649 ArticleDengue is the second most important vector-borne disease of humans globally after malaria. Incidence of dengue infections has dramatically increased recently, potentially due to changing climate. Climate projections models predict increases in average annual tem- perature, precipitation and extreme events in the future. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of changing climate on distribution of dengue vectors in relation to epi- demic risk areas in Tanzania.enDengueAedes aegyptiClimate changeRisk areasClimate change influences potential distribution of infected aedes aegypti co-occurrence with dengue epidemics risk areas in TanzaniaArticle