Nyamba, Siwel Yohakim2014-09-042014-09-042011Nyamba S.Y(2011).Assessment of factors influencing the use of mobile phones in communicating agricultural information: a case of kilolo district .Morogoro;Sokoine Universitry of Agriculture.https://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/167This study sought to investigate factors that influence the use of mobile phones in the communication of agricultural information in Kilolo district. The study examined the use of mobile phones as a means for achieving agricultural development. The study population comprised all farmers regardless their mobile phone ownership. The study adapted a cross sectional study design and a multistage simple random sampling technique, where, 384 respondents were selected. Data were mainly collected using an interview schedule. The results revealed that majority of respondents used mobile phones and had positive attitude on the contribution of mobile phone in their farming business. The study had three hypotheses to be tested: mobile phones ownership have no statistical significant influence in communicating agricultural information; different types of agricultural information have no statistical significant influence on mobile phones use in communicating agricultural information and; respondents’ socio-economic factors have no statistical significant influence on mobile phones use in communicating agricultural information. The study results indicated that mobile phones offered an attractive solution to farmers’ informational needs. Factors specified to have an influence on mobile phone use in the communication of agricultural information included: mobile phone ownership, type of agricultural information, farming system practiced, network coverage, respondents’ demographic characteristics, and time of mobile phone ownership. As such, all the three hypotheses were rejected. The study concluded that the use of mobile phone to communicate agriculture information depend on mobile phone ownership, type of agricultural information to be communicated and individuals’ socio-economic factors.iii The study therefore recommended that many farmers be encouraged and supported so that they become access to and use mobile phones in their farming business.enMobile phonesCommunicationAgricultural developmentKilolo districtAgricultural informationAssessment of factors influencing the use of mobile phones in communicating agricultural information: a case of Kilolo districtThesis