Kadigi, Reuben M. J.2023-08-282023-08-282021-06http://www.suaire.sua.ac.tz/handle/123456789/5684Consultancy Report, Project name/number: Care WWF Aliance/ 40000026- 402606-CO258CDF is envisioned to address the challenges of ness, ecological sustainability and improved income and livelihoods. SAGCOT aims to mobilize the agricultural potential of southern Tanzania for investment in agriculture and supporting infrastructure. It also encourages an enabling policy environment and supports improved natural resource management and green growth. Working as an informal advisory body, the SAGCOT Green Reference Group (GRG) was established to assist the SAGCOT Centre Limited (SCL) coordinate and monitor the environmental aspects in all programmes in the SAGCOT region. Where applicable, the GRG also advises the SAGCOT Catalytic Fund. The GRG brings together a representative group of stakeholders from government, the private sector (including farmers), the donor community and civil society, together with independent scientific advisors. Every public and private investor is legitimately required to work within the existing regulatory framework and professionally encourage environmentally-friendly and socially sustainable agricultural growth. The primary objective of GRG is to provide the SCL and its partners with guidance, advice and recommendations on environmental and social issues in the SAGCOT region. This guidance includes development of opportunities for inclusive green growth and climate-smart agriculture, as well as the identification and mitigation of environmental risks and damage. The GRG assists the SCL in identifying key gaps in inclusive green growth efforts, aligning activities of partners and other stakeholders and prioritizing programmes and institutions to partner with, as well as, in promoting and raising awareness on inclusive green growth opportunities.enCluster developmentSAGCOT Centre Ltd (SCL)Agricultural-based economiesEcological sustainabilityModus operandi for cluster developmentTechnical Report