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Item Beyond adoption/rejection of agricultural innovations: Empirical evidence from smallholder rice farmers in Tanzania(SAGE, 2006) Mwaseba, D.L.; Kaarhus, R.; Johnsen, F. H.; Mvena, Z. S. K.; Mattee, A. Z.This study seeks to explore the adoption of rice research-based innovations in rural Tanzania. Apart from the age and level of education of the head of household, which had an influence on the adoption of herbicide in both study areas, the influence of other variables on the adoption of fertilizer and transplanting varied between the study areas. Moreover, the study shows that adoption of the selected innovations is context-dependent. In Tanzania, rice farming is characterized by the predominance of traditional rice varieties. Farmers grow these varieties for household consumption or income, or both, under crop management practices that are well attuned to the available resources. The observed discontinuation and adaptation of innovations make sense, given the production circumstances in which the farmers operate. The findings of the study raise issues with research implications for improved rice production in the study areas.Item The capacity of on-farm research in reducing poverty: Experiences from twenty seven projects in Tanzania(Tanzania J.Agric.Sc, 2008) Tarimo, A. J. P.; Johnsen, F. H.; Nchimbi-Msolla, S.; Mbaga, S.; Kilima, F. T. M.; Sesabo, J.; Abdallah, J. M.; Iranga, G.Poverty can be categorized into income poverty and non-income poverty. At the smallscale Jarmers level income poverty results Jrom low productivity oj agricultural enterprises. hence low sales oj products. On the other hand. non income poverty encompasses a wide range oj live phenomena, including level oj education, poor survival strategies, poor nutritional status. lack oj clean and saJe drinking water, poor social wellbeing, vulnerability , etc. In 2000/01 about 62% oj households in Tanzania succumbed to income poverty. While the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) was silent on research as one oj the strategic approaches to reduce poverty in Tanzania, a study was conducted between 2001 and 2004 by Sokoine University oj Agriculture (SUA) in collaboration with the Agricultural Sector Lead Ministries (ASLMs) to evaluate the effectiveness oj onjarm research and development (R&D) approaches in bringing about poverty reduction amongst the smallholder Jarmers in the country. The study was based on 27 projects under Tanzania Agricultural Research Project Phase II (TARPII) managed by SUA (TARPII-SUA) conducted in the Eastern and Southern Highlands Zones oj country. By responding to a questionnaire. smallholder Jarmers evaluated technologies introduced through research. Results have shown that smallholder Jarmers' poverty could be signijkantly reduced by inb'oducing appropriate technologies. Thus. on average, participating Jarmers observed reductions in income poverty by the period oj this study. It is concluded that introduction oj technologies through onJarm research increases technology adoption and reduces income poverty.Item Empowering farmers? Collaborative research at Sokoine university of agriculture, Tanzania(Routledge Taylor and Francis Group., 2015) Mwaseba, D. L.; Kaarhus, R.; Johnsen, F. H.; Mattee, A. Z.; Mvena, Z. S. K.; Eik, L. O.This article presents experiences with collaborative and on-farm research based on the implementation of a four-year Programme for Agricultural and Natural Resources Transformation for Improved Livelihoods (PANTIL) at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Morogoro, Tanzania. It outlines the basic elements in the implementation of a programme aimed to be demand-based, and discusses the challenges encountered in combining collaborative research with the empowerment of farmers. Finally, the article draws out some lessons with implications for the future organisation of collaborative and on-farm agricultural research.Item Empowering farmers? collaborative research at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania(2015-06) Mwaseba, D. L.; Kaarhus, R.; Johnsen, F. H.; Mattee, A. Z.; Mvena, Z. S. KThis article presents experiences with collaborative and on-farm research based on the implementation of a four-year Programme for Agricultural and Natural Resources Transformation for Improved Livelihoods (PANTIL) at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Morogoro, Tanzania. It outlines the basic elements in the implementation of a programme aimed to be demand-based, and discusses the challenges encountered in combining collaborative research with the empowerment of farmers. Finally, the article draws out some lessons with implications for the future organisation of collaborative and on-farm agricultural research. Cet article presente des experiences de recherches menees en collaboration et au sein meme d'exploitations agricoles, basees sur la mise en oeuvre d'un programme de quatre ans, le Programme Jar Agricultural and Natural Resources Trans]. Ormation for Improved Livelihoods (PANTIL - Programme pour la transformation des ressources agricoles et naturelles pour des moyens de subsistance ameliores) a la Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) de Morogoro, en Tanzanie. 11 presente les elements de base de la mise en oeuvre d'un programme visant a etre fonde sur la demande et traite des defis rencontres au moment de conjugucr les recherches collaboratives et l'autonotnisation des agriculteurs. Enfin, cet article tire quelques enseignements ayant des implications pour l'organisation future de recherches agricoles menees cn collaboration et an sein des exploitations. El presente articulo examina las experiencias surgidas de una investigaciOn colaborativa realizada en parcelas agricolas. La misma se bas6 en la implementacion del Programa para la TransformaciOn de la Agricultura y de los Recursos Naturales para el Mejoramiento de los Medias de Vida (PANTIL, par sus siglas en ingles), vinculado a la Universidad Sokoine de Agricultura de Morogoro. Tanzania. a lo largo de cuatro aims. El articulo resume los elementos principales requeridos para impulsar tin programa basado cn la demanda, examinando los retos que debieron enfrentarse para combinar la investigacion colaborativa y el empoderamicnto de los productores. A manera de conclusion, el articulo esboza algunos de los aprendizajes obtenidos, los cuales ticnen implicaciones para la organizacion de futuras investigaciones colaborativas que se realicen en parcelas agricolas.Item Empowering farmers? Collaborative research at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania(Development in Practice, 2015) Mwaseba, D. L.; Kaarhus, R.; Johnsen, F. H.; Mattee, A. Z.; Kayanda, Z. S.; Mvena, S. K.; Eik, L. O.This article presents experiences with collaborative and on-farm research based on the implementation of a four-year Programme for Agricultural and Natural Resources Transformation for Improved Livelihoods (PANTIL) at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Morogoro, Tanzania. It outlines the basic elements in the implementation of a programme aimed to be demand-based, and discusses the challenges encountered in combining collaborative research with the empowerment of farmers. Finally, the article draws out some lessons with implications for the future organisation of collaborative and on-farm agricultural research. Cet article présente des expériences de recherches menées en collaboration et au sein même d’exploitations agricoles, basées sur la mise en oeuvre d’un programme de quatre ans, le Programme for Agricultural and Natural Resources Transformation for Improved Livelihoods (PANTIL - Programme pour la transformation des ressources agricoles et naturelles pour des moyens de subsistance améliorés) à la Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) de Morogoro, en Tanzanie. Il présente les éléments de base de la mise en oeuvre d’un programme visant à être fondé sur la demande et traite des défis rencontrés au moment de conjuguer les recherches collaboratives et l’autonomisation des agriculteurs. Enfin, cet article tire quelques enseignements ayant des implications pour l’organisation future de recherches agricoles menées en collaboration et au sein des exploitations. El presente artículo examina las experiencias surgidas de una investigación colaborativa realizada en parcelas agrícolas. La misma se basó en la implementación del Programa para la Transformación de la Agricultura y de los Recursos Naturales para el Mejoramiento de los Medios de Vida (PANTIL, por sus siglas en inglés), vinculado a la Universidad Sokoine de Agricultura de Morogoro, Tanzania, a lo largo de cuatro años. El artículo resume los elementos principales requeridos para impulsar un programa basado en la demanda, examinando los retos que debieron enfrentarse para combinar la investigación colaborativa y el empoderamiento de los productores. A manera de conclusión, el artículo esboza algunos de los aprendizajes obtenidos, los cuales tienen implicaciones para la organización de futuras investigaciones colaborativas que se realicen en parcelas agrícolasItem The Impact of Agricultural Research on Poverty and Income Distribution: A Case Study of Selected On-farm Research Projects at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania(2013) Kilima, F. T. M.; Tarimo, A. J. P.; Johnsen, F. H.; Nchimbi-Msolla, S.; Sesabo, J.; Abdallah, J.M.; Iranga, G.Item The impact of agricultural research on poverty and income distribution: A case study of selected on-farm research projects at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania(2013) Kilima, F. T. M.; Tarimo, A. J. P.; Johnsen, F. H.; Nchimbi-Msolla, S.; Mbaga, S.; Sesabo, J.; Abdallah, J.M.; Iranga, G.Improved technologies induce productivity growth that generates pro-poor improvement processes. However, improving welfare and equity is a difficult task. This study investigated whether interventions in agriculture benefit farmers who are more capable to derive sufficient gains than others using data from on-farm research projects in Tanzania.Data were collected during baseline and impact assessment studies using questionnaires. The distributions of income were assessed using coefficients of variation, Gini coefficients and Theil’s Tstatistic. Results show that the projects contributed to increase farm income through enhanced productivity and sales of products and these gains were equitably shared. To encourage adoption and sustainability of these interventions it is important to sensitize Local Government Authorities and Agricultural Sector Lead Ministries on these technologies to allow incorporation of research findings in development plans. Involvement of extension staff in research and demonstrations through farmers’ shows should also be encouraged to increase adoption.Item The impact of agricultural research on poverty and income distribution: A case study of selected on-farm research projects at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania(Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2013) Kilima, F. T. M.; Tarimo, A. J. P.; Johnsen, F. H.; Nchimbi-Msolla, S.; Mbaga, S.; Sesabo, J.; Abdallah, J. M.; Iranga, G.Improved technologies induce productivity growth that generates pro-poor improvement processes. However, improving welfare and equity is a difficult task. This study investigated whether interventions in agriculture benefit farmers who are more capable to derive sufficient gains than others using data from on-farm research projects in Tanzania.Data were collected during baseline and impact assessment studies using questionnaires. The distributions of income were assessed using coefficients of variation, Gini coefficients and Theil’s Tstatistic. Results show that the projects contributed to increase farm income through enhanced productivity and sales of products and these gains were equitably shared. To encourage adoption and sustainability of these interventions it is important to sensitize Local Government Authorities and Agricultural Sector Lead Ministries on these technologies to allow incorporation of research findings in development plans. Involvement of extension staff in research and demonstrations through farmers’ shows should also be encouraged to increase adoption.Item Rice for food and income Assessing the impact of rice research on food security in the Kyela and Kilombero districts of Tanzania(SAGE, 2007) Mwaseba, D. L.; Kaarhus, R.; Johnsen, F. H.; Mattee, A. Z.; Mvena, Z. S. K.This paper assesses the impact of rice research on household food security in Tanzania. The adoption of research-based innovations in rice farming, on which the impact of rice research is assumed to depend, is outlined. Rice production and consumption levels are presented. The paper shows that farmers produce rice for meeting a range of livelihood outcomes, including food security. However, meeting household needs such as education, health and building good houses are as important as food security. In this context, it is argued that food security should be understood within the framework of household livelihood strategies rather than being seen as dependent on household rice production.