Examining ugunduzi app in enhancing smallholder farmers on farmer-led research of agro-ecological practices in Tanzania
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
Background: Smallholder farmers play a key role in feeding world population. In recent
decades a challenge of shrinking crop productivity was observed to face many
smallholder farmers, particularly in African countries. Food deficit was among significant
consequences reported to affect this group. Climate change, caused by environmental
pollution, is a major contributor to low food productivity performance. Transforming food
production system to protect environment for climate change resilience is regarded as a
better way for increasing crop productivity to meet food demand. Agro-ecological
practices could suit this platform as they use natural resources in production system.
Farmer-led research of agro-ecological practices (FLRAG) is considered as a key
supporter to farmers on identifying best-fit among many agro-ecological practices
available in their areas. In the same vein of supporting farmers, smallholder farmers in
particular, SWISSAID Tanzania developed a smartphone based app named Ugunduzi
aiming to uphold farmers in their research activities. The app was intended to enhance
farmers on field data collection, record keeping, share information and calculate costs
used and benefits obtained on a per plot basis. It was developed in 2018 with participation
of farmers and ICT experts. The app started being used by a small group of 60
smallholder farmers since 2019. However, its potential in supporting farmers in FLRAG
has not been documented. This study aimed to examine the ugunduzi app for validating its
potential to smallholder farmers on FLRAG in Tanzania.
Research methodology: The study was conducted in Bagamoyo, Masasi and Mvomero
Districts, Tanzania. Before selecting participants in FLRAG and use of the ugunduzi, a
baseline survey was conducted to identify factors influencing smallholder farmers to
participate in the research. The aim was to set the criteria for selecting responsible
participants in FLRAG by considering identified factors. Ninety smallholder farmers were
interviewed using a structured questionnaire to collect quantitative data during baseline
survey. Binary logit model in SPSS programme version 26 was used to analyse the data to
identify factors influencing farmers to participate in FLRAG. Qualitative data were also
collected and analysed using content analysis to explain what was observed with
quantitative data. Thereafter, the criteria for selecting participants were formulated by
considering identified factors. Smallholder farmers who met the criteria were identified
from the study areas, and then 60 farmers were selected to participate in FLRAG and use
the Ugunduzi app. Time series research method was used in the study. The research was
conducted in three seasons of 2019, 2020 and 2021. In examining the Ugunduzi app, the
study specifically intended to examine continuance intention of using the Ugunduzi app
among Tanzanian smallholder farmers. This was done by examining farmers’ perception
of usefulness and easiness of use which could lead to user satisfaction of the app and
predict continuance intention of use. Identification of challenges on using the app and its
limitation were also an aim of this study. Because farmers participated in FLRAG,
investigation on the effects of agro-ecological practices in crop yield from the research
was also an objective of the study. Field data were drawn from the Ugunduzi app in
which participants used to collect and keep data. The data were also collected during field
visits by using a structured questionnaire. Observation technique and focus group
discussions were also conducted to collect qualitative data. Descriptive statistics were
computed as part of quantitative data analysis to measure means and percentages. Partial
least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) using smartpls 3 was used to
examine continuance intentions of using the Ugunduzi app. Excel software was used to
measure average yields from agro-ecological treatments and control plots. R-software was
used to determine the effects of the agro-ecological practices on crop yield from FLRAG.
Findings and conclusions: From the research, it was identified that experience in
farming, easiness in accessing agro-ecological inputs, interest in doing experiments and
farm size were the factors that substantially influenced smallholder farmers to participate
in FLRAG. On examining the Ugunduzi app, the results indicated that the app satisfied
smallholder farmers and showed possibility of continuous usage by them. This was due to
its usefulness on supporting them to identify best-fit agro-ecological practices and to have
better future season plan through records kept in the app. The app also showed greater
potential on increasing agro-ecological knowledge through sharing information to the
ugunduzi web-site via the Ugunduzi app. However, difficulties on using the app among
smallholder farmers were observed, especially at the early stage of using it due to some
processes involved. The issues of low practical experience of using smartphones, poor
network connectivity, inadequate electrical power supply and limited purchasing power of
smartphones were observed as the main challenges which many smallholder farmers
faced in study areas. On the limitations side, it was identified that Ugunduzi app is a one-
way communication app which runs on Android based smartphones supported by a
Google Chrome web browser. The app was developed to support farmers who apply agro-
ecological cropping practices only and is not suitable for illiterate farmers. On the effects
of agro-ecological practices on crop yield from FLRAG, the results indicate that there
were positive significant effects of the practices, particularly cow dung and poultry
manure, on crop yield. From the findings, it is concluded that the Ugunduzi app positively
supports smallholder farmers and is a valid tool to be promoted for using by many farmers
in their agro-ecological areas and farming activities.
Recommendations: From the study findings, it is recommended that key stakeholders
including service providers of network and electricity power suppliers should work on
reducing challenges of low network and power cut-outs in the study areas and other parts
in Tanzania which face the same challenges. The government of Tanzania is advised to
reduce costs of purchasing smartphone devices and promote their uses due to their
usefulness, including using the Ugunduzi app. It is recommended that, the Ministry of
Agriculture and NGOs dealing with agro-ecology to promote the use of the Ugunduzi app
in FLRAG for quality research results of identifying best practices which could increase
crop productivity. ICT experts should take Ugunduzi app limitations as a way forward on
developing improved apps which are more suitable to smallholder farmers in Tanzania
and Africa in general. Suggestion is also provided to the government of Tanzania, through
its Ministry of Agriculture to (i) promote the uses of agro-ecological practices by many
farmers, cow dung and poultry manure in particular as among of strategic approaches for
increasing crop yield, (ii) Encourage more FLRAG for identifying more beneficial
practices by smallholder farmers, and (iii) Encourage investment in agro-ecological
practices particularly cow dung and poultry manure to mitigate the problem of inadequate
availability of inputs. Furthermore, on selecting participants, identified factors have to be
taken into consideration on setting criteria for selecting participants in FLRAG.
Ph.D Dissertation
ugunduzi app, smallholder, farmers, agro-ecological, Tanzania, crop productivity