3rd SUA Scientific Conference Abstracts 23rd – 24th May 2023, Edward Moringe Campus
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
Sokoine University of Agriculture and her collaborators are committed to contribute to sustainable development to attain
Tanzania National Development Priorities and Sustainable Development Goals through provision of quality Research, Out-
reach and Consultancy services. Researchers and collaborators of SUA conduct various applied research activities to address
challenges in agricultural productivity in crops and livestock, livestock and human health, socio-economic dynamics, climate
change, natural resources management, education and environmental conservation. To commem- orate, celebrate and honour
the life and legacy of the late Hon. Edward Moringe Sokoine (former Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania),
SUA wishes to share the generated knowledge, innovations, solutions, and findings to the national and international scientific
community. In this spirit, SUA will hold the 3rd SUA Scientific Conference with the Theme “ENABLING ENVIRONMENT
IN AGRICULTURAL TRANSFORMATION” within the Sokoine Memorial Week.
The goal of the conference is to bring up scientific arguments and solutions to agricultural transformation by demon-
strating enabling environment that encompasses factors that have a positive influence but are controlled by scien- tific evi-
dence and policy domains for youth and other stakeholders’ engagement in the agricultural value chain. Today’s agriculture
routinely uses sophisticated technologies and tools such as robots, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, artificial
intelligence, Internet of Things, GPS technology etc. These advanced technologies and tools as well as precision agriculture
and robotic systems allow businesses to be more profitable, efficient, safer, and more environmen- tally friendly. The policy
domain fosters collaboration between the public and private sectors, and builds social capital.
Conference proceeding
Agricultural environment, Agricultural transformation