Lessons from the freshwater sector for climate change adaptation
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This paper assesses adaptation in the freshwater sector to derive lessons on what
motivated societies to change, which factors led to more successful adaptation, and
how interventions may best be sustained. We compared the lessons derived from three
portfolios adaptation research projects, namely the WWF - ANU assessment of six
developing country cases, Institute for Social & Environmental Transition (ISET) in
South Asia and START’s adaptation research program Assessments of Impacts and
Adaptations to Climate Change (AIACC) globally. The key conclusions for more
effective climate change adaptation are that:
1. Robust adaptation interventions that reduce key risks should commence now
despite uncertainties as to the precise magnitude of climate impacts;
2. Sustainable development and adaptation measures can be compatible;
3. Adaptation should be mainstreamed, not implemented separately;
4. Strengthening key institutions, knowledge sharing, and building human
resource capacities are crucial to effective adaptation;
5. Adaptation strategies are strengthened by: community ownership and
subsidiarity; concurrent and linked action at different geopolitical scales and in
different sectors; consistent funding; and long term, iterative programs;
6. National governments can best help by facilitating climate risk communication
and knowledge sharing opportunities for adaptation; building adaptive
management into their institutions and policies, mandating and supporting
sub-national institutions; removing barriers to funding sub-national
institutions; and allocating funding for adaptation.
Climate change, Freshwater, Adaptation, Adaptive management, Sustainable development