Adaptability, correlation and path coefficient analysis among selected variables of sunflower (ilelianthus animus l.) genotypes

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


Three genotypes of sunflower (PI 364860, K.Fedha and Record) were evaluated at three locations (Seatondale, Inyala and Uyole) and three spacing regimes (75 cm x 45 cm, 75 cm x 30 cm and 75 cm x 15 cm) during the season 2011/12 to estimate the performance of seed yield and its components. The objectives of this study were to evaluate genotype x environmental interactions among the selected variables and to determine the interrelationships and paths of influence among components of yield. Treatments were combined in a split plot arrangement in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Data were collected and analysed using GenStat 14th Edition. The genotype x environment interaction (G x E) was highly significant for all studied variables, suggesting that the performance of the genotypes were inconsistent in different environments. AU the genotypes at Seatondale and Uyole sites yielded higher compared to Inyala site due to low rainfall amount, temperatures and altitudes existed at Inyala may had contributed to the lowest performance. Therefore, Seatondale and Uyole are recommended to be the best for sunflower production. The genotype PI 364860 was identified to be adaptable and stable on seed yield. Correlation coefficient analysis revealed that seed yield had positive and significant association with number of seeds per head, head diameter, seed weight per head and 100 seed weight at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. Path coefficient analysis indicated that number of seeds per head, 100 seed weight, head diameter and seed weight per head had maximum positive direct effect on yield and they interrelated positively through each other. However, number of seeds per head and diameter interacted positively with most variables in their relations with yield which themselves were the major contributors of grain yield.


Master of Science in Crop Science


Adaptability, Correlation, Path coefficient analysis, Sunflower genotypes, Ilelianthus animus l.
