Socio-economic factors influencing women’s use of mobile phones in the improved chicken farming business information in Misungwi District, Tanzania
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European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences
Recently, improved chicken farming business is regarded as an important
women’s economic activity in the lake zone of Tanzania. The use of mobile
phones by women represents an opportunity for the development of the
improved chicken farming business. However, the use of mobile phones by
women is influenced by their socio-economic status. This study aimed to
determine socio-economic factors influencing women in using mobile
phones in the development of improved chicken farming business
information in Misungwi District in the Lake zone of Tanzania. The study
adopted cross-sectional design whereby data were collected mainly through
a questionnaire with women involved in improved chicken farming. A
binary logistic regression model was employed to determine socio-economic
factors influencing women’s use of mobile phones in the improved chicken
farming business information. The study found that socio-economic factors
such as age, education level and occupation showed positively significant
results. Based on these findings the study concludes that socio-economic
factors such as age, education level and occupation significantly influence
the use of mobile phones in the improved chicken farming business
information. The study recommends to Misungwi District authority
through District Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries Office (DALFO) to
mobilize and register all women improved chicken farmers and form
communication groups by using their mobile phone numbers so as to be
able to give them new information on improved chicken farming business
through SMS.
Research Article
Improved chicken farming business, Mobile phones, Women