Influence of livelihood assets on coping strategies against poverty among the working poor in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
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Tanzania Journal of Community Development,
Studies inadequately addressed the influence of livelihood assets on coping
strategies against poverty used by the working poor in Tanzania. This paper
examines coping strategies used by the working poor, identifies the ownership
of livelihood assets and examines the influence of livelihood assets on the
coping strategies used. The study used a cross-sectional research design,
whereby quantitative data were collected from 336 respondents using a
structured questionnaire. A multivariate regression model was used to
determine the influence of livelihood assets on the coping strategies against
poverty. The study findings show that the working poor mainly resorted to
taking loans from relatives and friends and participating in ROSCAs as coping
strategies. Despite having low income, the working poor managed to own
various livelihood assets such as human, physical, natural and social capital.
Furthermore, the use of coping strategies by the working poor households was
generally influenced by livelihood assets. Conclusively, the working poor are
more likely to vary their strategies in accordance with the assets at their
disposal. It is recommended that the local authorities should adequately
address the constraints of using livelihood assets so that the working poor use
life-improving coping strategies.
Research article
Keywords: Poverty, working poor, coping strateges, livelihood assets.