Mobile based system for electronic learning content delivery and accessibility: a case of higher education institutions in Tanzania

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Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology


The advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought new opportunities for learning. Tanzania is adopting the new technologies in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through e-learning. However, delivery of learning contents is becoming a challenge for HEIs due to the constraints in resources and network bandwidth. Although challenges exist, development of innovative and emerging mobile computing technologies have brought potential opportunities for enhancements of learning contents delivery and accessibility. The objective of this study was to develop a mobile application based system for e-Iearning content delivery and accessibility as a solution to high bandwidth costs of the conventional Web application based system. The proposed system can synchronize contents from some original servers to local database in mobile devices for offline use. The study was conducted in HEIs in Tanzania. Survey methodology was used to identify and assess ICTs for e-learning and system design requirements. During the survey different methods including interview, structured questionnaire and review of empirical literatures were used. Quantitative data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) while qualitative data were analysed through content analysis. A prototype for Mobile-LCDS was developed using UML, MySQL. PHP, XML, ANDROID and Java; and tested using a black box testing technique. Findings show that 85% of students own laptop, 65% own smartphone and 78% own mobile phone. The results provide empirical evidence that students own more than one mobile devices that can be used as tools for facilitating learning process. However, the results provide empirical evidence that the rate of adoption of mobile phones for mobile-learning in Tanzania has reached 20.3% which is still low due to fact that even though e-learning systems exist, they are not fully operational. This is caused by poor ICT infrastructures, constraints in resources and bandwidth. The results of numerical evaluation revealed that synchronizing learning contents locally in mobile devices is significant for bandwidth usage cost savings, alleviates network overload, alleviates servers’ workload and hence improves e-learning system performance. In conclusion, in order to improve e-learning content delivery and accessibility under limited resource settings, HEIs in developing countries should make an effective use of emerging mobile computing technologies which are relevant to their respective environments.




Information and Communication Technology, Mobile-LCDS, Higher Education Institutions, Mobile application based system
