Effect of fertilizer types and application rates on onion (allium cepa l.) Productivity in Kilosa district

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


Onion (Allium cepa L.) yield in Kilosa is said to be very low compared to the world production of about 22 t ha’1. Poor crop husbandry including the use of unrecommended types and rates of fertilizers at incorrect time of application was found to be. among the discrepancies facing onion production in the area. The purpose of this study was to establish and recommend the best combination and rate of N and P fertilizer sources for onion under Kilosa agroecological conditions. A field trial was conducted at Malolo village between September 2012 - January 2013 (dry season) and February 2013 - July 2013 (wet season). The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. Two onion varieties namely; Red Bombay and Red Creole were used and assigned to the main plots. N and P fertilizer sources, each at the rates of 0, 50 and 100 kg N ha'1 and 0, 40 and 50 kg P ha'1, respectively were assigned to the subplots. Data were collected on vegetative growth, yield and bulb quality. They were then subjected to analysis of variance using GENSTAT 14th Edition at a difference declared significance of 5% level. Results showed significant differences between varieties in growth, yield and quality components. Red Bombay performed better in productivity in both dry and wet seasons compared with Red Creole. Wet season promoted better productivity than the dry spell. There was significant differences in yield between N and P sources at varying rates during the dry season, but insignificant during the wet season. Fertilizer combination of TSP and CAN at 50 kg P ha'1 and 100 kg N ha'1 respectively, is recommended as best for better productivity of onion plants under the Kilosa agroecological conditions.




Fertilizer, Allium cepa l, Crop husbandry, Onion production
