The essence of wildlife crimes and associated effects on wild animals’ protection in Tanzania – legal perspective
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Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation
Conservation challenges have surfaced in
Tanzania for decades. Several researches
have revealed the causes, each research
taking own perspective. This article
discusses conservation challenges in legal
perspective. The article reveals the manner
crimes against wildlife initiate human
induced wildlife conflicts, but humans have
legal ambits to justify their actions. The
article uncovers several acts the law permits
whilst the same are triggering misery over
environmental crimes posed by humans’
development demands. Yet, humans refuse
to acknowledge the situation and camouflage
in attributing their ill actions to wildlife by
twisting the situation as “human-wildlife
conflicts”. The article recommends that, it is
technically improper to capacitating wildlife
to commit crimes. Particularly, wildlife are
the victims of unjust and pre-meditated
human actions. In this review, content and
thematic analysis used to interpret an in-
depth aspects of wildlife law(s). It is
concluded that, whilst the law recognizes
wildlife in two facets; wild animals and their
habitats, and requires the protection of both,
there are human-wildlife common interests
which the law has not been able to safeguard
inter se and thus trigger crimes against
wildlife. There is need for suitable laws in the
wildlife sector to safeguard wildlife.
Research article
Law – wildlife, humans - competing demands, conflicts - human induced wildlife conflicts.