Assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practices on breastfeeding among HIV infected mothers with infants in Kibaha town council
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) on breastfeeding among HIV-infected
mothers are important in determining the health and nutritional status of their
children. The HIV pandemic and the risk of mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of
HIV, especially through breastfeeding (BF) poses special difficulties to HIV-infected
mothers, their infants and the community. This study was designed to assess KAP on
breastfeeding among HIV-infected mothers having children aged 0-12 months living
in Kibaha Town Council. A cross-sectional, descriptive study design was employed
and convenient sampling procedure was used to select the respondents. Primary data
were collected using structured questionnaire which were administered by face to
face interview. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for the Social
Science (SPSS) 15.0 version computer software. The study findings revealed that
there is limitation in terms of KAP on BF, complementation and infant feeding
options among the HIV-infected mothers. Breastfeeding was chosen by majority of
respondents (96%) compared to replacement feeding (6%). About 76% of mothers
ceased to practice EBF before their infants were six months old due to fear of MTCT
of HIV. The study also revealed that mothers’ level of education was significantly
associated with their knowledge (p = 0.00403). Mixed feeding (63.6%) and nipple
cracks (77.8%) were the most known factors by the respondents to increase the risk
of MTCT of HIV. Breast conditions such as sore/cracked nipples; fear of stigma;
lack of counselling and follow up from the health workers; and cultural beliefs such
as BF by using one breast were observed as the constraints faced by the respondents.
Counselling services on infant feeding options, regular follow to mothers and more
training to the counsellors on BF and PMTCT of HIV need to be strengthened
Assessment of knowledge, Breastfeeding, Infants, Attitudes and practices