Contribution of non-wood forest products to household food security in Mbozi District, Tanzania
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
A study was conducted to quantify the contribution of NWFPs to household food security
in Mbozi district. Specifically the study aimed at, identifying the NWFPs available in the
study area and assessing their seasonality; determining the contribution of NWFPs to
household food security, investigating roles played by men and women in collecting,
processing and preserving NWFPs and assessing the socio-economic factors influencing
the collection and use of NWFPs. The study was carried out under two phases, phase one
involved preliminary surveys and Participatory Rural Appraisals in Kilimampimbi,
Hasamba and Ilyika villages. The second phase, involved mainly questionnaire survey
conducted in Kilimampimbi, Ikomela, Msangano and Idiwili villages. PRA data were
analysed with the help of local communities and results were communicated back to them
for verification and custody. Questionnaire survey data were analysed by using both
quantitative and qualitative methods. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was
used for analysing quantitative data. Content and Structural-Functional analyses were
used for qualitative data. This study revealed that NWFPs contribute about 13% by
weight to total household food consumption and 7.5% to total household income. The
study also found that about 59% of the income from NWFPs is used for buying food
items. The study also revealed a clear gender division of labour in collection, processing
and preserving NWFPs. Multiple regression analysis revealed that collection and use of
NWFPs have been influenced by some socio-economic factors. This study concludes that
the contribution of NWFPs to household food security in the study area ranges from
direct supply of food to provision ofcash and socio-economic factors influence collection
and use of NWFPs. It is recommended that efforts be made to add value to NWFPs by
developing and disseminating simple appropriate technologies for harvesting and
processing NWFPs into different products to minimize wastage during peak seasons andiii
improve cash income earnings. This study also recommends that communities should be
encouraged to plant desired tree species near homes and fields to reduce pressure in the
forests and woodland.
forest products, Food security, Non-wood, Mbozi district