The distribution of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia in selected areas of Tanzania
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
A study was carried out to establish the distribution of Contagious Caprine
Pleuropneumonia (CCPP) in Iringa, Mpwapwa and Kilosa districts, Tanzania. Information
on the history of outbreaks was collected and clinical examination of goats with
respiratory disease was conducted. Some typical cases were sacrificed for gross
pathological evaluation. A total of 1247 serum samples (including 8 from sheep) were
collected for serological analysis using the latex agglutination test (LAT). Nasal swab
(57), lung (13), bronchial lymph node (13) and pleural fluid (6) samples were collected for
microbiological culture and isolation of Mycoplasma capricoluni subsp. capripneiunoniae
(M. capripneiunoniae') using a Ilayflick-based medium enriched with sodium pyruvate and
containing 25% serum (H25P medium). Some samples were also cultured on a
commercial freeze-dried CCPP diagnostic medium. Mycoplasma isolates on H25P
medium were identified using the disc growth inhibition test while those on CCPP
diagnostic medium were identified on the basis of their growth and colonial
characteristics. All the sick and sacrificed goats showed clinical signs and post mortem
features that were highly suggestive of CCPP. In Iringa district, out of the 250 goat sera
from Mahenge division, 126 (approx. 50%) were positive for antibodies against M.
capripneiunoniae, whereas of the 250 sera from Idodi division, 115 (46%) were
seropositive. In Mpwapwa district, out of 301 analysed goat sera from Kibakwe division,
152 (approx. 50%) were seropositive compared to 47 (approx. 47%) of the 99 sera from
Rudi division. Out of eight sheep sera, which were collected from Mpwapwa district, three
(38%) had antibodies against M. capripneiunoniae. In Gairo division (Kilosa district), 339
goat sera were screened and 253 (approx. 75%) were seropositive. M. capripneiunoniaeiii
was isolated from specimens from all the study districts. The results of this study indicate
that the suspected outbreaks in the study areas were true CCPP. This provides additional
information on the distribution of the disease in the country. The observation of
characteristic colonics of M. capripneumoniae on the CCPP diagnostic medium
demonstrates the latter’s potential in the field investigations of suspected CCPP outbreaks.
The demonstration of M. capripneumoniae antibodies in sheep probably suggests that
sheep are also susceptible to infection with the mycoplasma and may play a role in the
epidemiology of CCPP. However, this aspect needs further investigation especially in
pastoral and agro-pastoral systems where goats and sheep are often reared together.
Pleuropneumonia, Caprine, Contagious caprine