Genotype x environment interaction of soybean [glycine max (l.) merrill] for grain yield and nutritional quality in the Eastern Zone of Tanzania.
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
A study on genotype x environment interaction (GEI) of
soybean [Glycine max
(L.) Merrill] genotypes was conducted for grain yield, yield related traits, protein
and oil contents at three locations during 2013 cropping seasons. The study aimed
at determining the magnitude of GEI on soybean genotypes and identify widely
and /or specifically adapted genotypes in the Eastern Zone of Tanzania. Six
were evaluated at three locations in a rondomized complete block
design in split- plot arrangements. Environment had strong significant (P < 0.001)
for all evaluated variables except for crude protein and oil content.
Similarly genotypes had significant (P < 0.05) differences for all evaluated
Oil was not affected by the interaction between genotype and
environment. Genotypes TGX 1954-1F and TGX 1908-8F displayed higher yields
at Ilonga. TGX 1954-IF at Kibaha and TGX 1908-8F at Mlingano. The best
genotypes for seed yield across the environments were TGX 1954-IF and TGX
1908-8F. On the other hand, TGX 1987-29F had the highest protein content while
Bossier had highest oil content within and across the environments. High
heritability was recorded for pod length, 100-seed weight, initial plants at
germination per plot, grain yield and plant height. High heritability coupled with
high genetic advance was recorded for seed yield. Combined data over locations
indicated that grain yield
was positive and highly significant correlated with
number of seeds per plant (r= 0.6119
) and plant height (r= 0.5626
). Path
coefficient analysis indicated that the highest genotypic positive direct effect on
grain yield were recorded in number of seeds per plant (0.545) and plant height
(0.315). The highest positive and significant indirect genotypic effects on grain yield were recorded on plant height through number of seeds per plant (0.282)
followed by number of pods per plant through number seeds per plant (0.271).
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of science in crop science
Genotype x environment interaction, Soybean, glycine max (l.), Grain yield, Nutritional quality, Eastern Zone-Tanzania.