Taenia saginata cysticercosis in cattle in Tanzania

dc.contributor.authorMaeda Godfrey Elikalia
dc.description.abstractA review on the epidemiology and diagnosis of human taeniasis and bovine cysticercosis with special reference to East Africa is given. All humans are susceptible to the adult tapeworm, T. saginata. Cattle, is the predominant intermediate host, young animals being more susceptible than older ones. Susceptibility of a few wild ruminants makes them potential reservoirs of infection. Characteristics of T. saginata, including a long life span, a high reproductive potential, spontaneous shedding of proglottids from human carriers, occult nature of the cysticerci in cattle, etc, contribute to maintenance of infections. Dispersion and survival of T. saginata eggs are determined by sanitation, personal hygiene, coprophagous animals and weather conditions. Prevalence rates of cysticercosis in cattle reported from various countries depend on local meat hygiene legislations, efficiency of meat inspection, and record keeping in the abattoirs. In this thesis, factors promoting the spread of T. saginata infections in Tanzania were investigated, by interview information from 105 cattle owners, belonging to Masai, Arusha, Iraqw, Gogo and Rangi ethnic groups, from 52 villages in Tanzania. Taeniasis and cysticercosis were reported as common problems among members of the ethnic groups interviewed. Lack of awareness of the source of human tapeworms, scarcity of medicines against taeniasis, habits of consuming raw beef, consumption of uninspected meat, defaecation in the bush, were some of the outstanding factors elucidated. The details of this investigation are discussed and it is concluded that some of the observations need confirmation through further studies in the villages of the ethnic groups concerned. Prevalence rates of taeniasis recorded at Mbulu Hospital were 10% in 1990 and 21% in 1991. In a separate investigation, cysticercosis was detected in 52 (10.5%) out of 496 cattle xi slaughtered in municipal abattoirs of Arusha, Dodoma, Iringa, Morogoro and Mpwapwa districts in Tanzania during the period between June 1991 and November 1991. The prevalence rates in the individual abattoirs were 16.7% (Arusha), 8% (Dodoma), 9.6% (Iringa), 6.5% (Morogoro) and 7.6% (Mpwapwa). The overall annual prevalence rates of cysticercosis in the Dodoma and Iringa regions were lower than the rates officially recorded in these abattoirs. The results are discussed in relation to sources of infection, endemicity of cysticercosis, efficiency of meat inspection, and records keeping in the abattoirs in the country. In a detailed examination, anatomical distribution of cysticerci of T. saginata (864) was analyzed in zebu cattle at Morogoro abattoir in Tanzania. The cysticerci were found located in the examined tissues preferentially in the following order: heart, M. triceps brachii, tongue, M. psoas and masseter muscles. The liver had relatively high numbers of cysts and is thus considered an important predilection site. Examination of the predilection sites for detecting carcasses positively infected with cysticerci of T. saginata revealed the following efficiency: 80% (heart), 80% (M. triceps brachii), 60% (masseter muscles), 60% (tongue) and 53% (liver). However examination of the heart, M. triceps brachii and the liver together detected all infected carcasses. Most (60%) of the infected carcasses had viable cysticerci. In conclusion, T. saginata taeniasis and cysticercosis are major, but underestimated problems in Tanzania. The diagnostic methods of cysticercosis in cattle and taeniasis in humans all have inherent limitations. But nevertheless, their sensitivity may be significantly be improved and the usual control may be more efficient. The various chapters of the thesis include discussions on ways to improve public control measures and educate consumers and herdsmen. SAMMENDRAG (Summary in Danish) Taenia saginata cysticercose hos kvaeg i Tanzania Afhandlingen indledes med en litteraturoversigt over epidemiologi og diagnostik af human taeniiasis og bovin cysticercose med saerlig omtale af forholdene i 0stafrika. Alle mennesker er modtagelige for infektion med baendelormen T. saginata. Kvaeget er den almindeligste mellemvaert, og yngre dyr er mere modtagelige end aeldre. Nogle f<L arter af vildtlevende drovtyggere er ogs& modtagelige, og de udgor et potentielt smit- tereservoir. Visse egenskaber ved T saginata, f.eks. lang levetid, hqjt reproduktivt potentiale, spontan afgang af proglottider samt symptomlpst infektionsforlpb bidrager til infektionens vedligeholdelse. Spredning og overlevelse af T. saginata aeg afhaenger af sanitaere forhold, personlig hygiejne, koprofage dyr og vejrforhold. Den rapporterede praevalens af cysticercose i kvaeg i forskellige lande afhaenger af den k0dkontrolmaessige lovgivning og effektivitet. I naervaerende afhandling belystes de faktorer, som fremmer spredning af T. saginata, ved gennemfqrelse af en sp0rgeunders0gelse omfattende 105 kvaegavlere tilh0rende forskellige etniske grupper fra i alt 52 landsbyer i Tanzania (Masai, Arusha, Iraqw, Gogo og Rangi). Taeniiasis og cysticercose var almindeligt kendte problemer blandt de interviewede. Mangel p& kendskab til smitteveje, mangel pS medicin, indtagelse af ukontrolleret og r&t k0d og defaekering i det fri var nogle af de mest fremtraedende fakĀ­ torer. Undersdgelsens opbygning og gennemf0relse diskuteres og det konkluderes, at nogle af observationerne kraever dokumentation gennem yderligere unders0gelser i landsbyer og blandt etniske grupper. Praevalensen af human taeniiasis p& et hospital (Mbulu) var 10% i 1990 og 21% i 1991. I en saerskilt undersdgelse, gennemf0rt af forfatterne, blev cysticercose p<Lvist i 52 (10,5%) af i alt 496 kreaturer tilfdrt slagtehuse i Arusha, Dodoma, Iringa, Morogoro og Mpwapwa i perioden juni 1991 til november 1991. Praevalensen pS. de enkelte slagteĀ­ huse var 16,7% (Arusha), 8% (Dodoma), 9,6% (Iringa), 6,5% (Morogoro) og 7,6% xii (Mpwapwa). Den officielle gennemsnitlige irlige praevalens af cysticercose i Dodoma og Iringa regionerne var betydeligt lavere end den, som registreredes ved naervaerende underspgelse. Dette kan skyldes forhold vedr0rende cysticercosens smittekilder og endemicitet samt k0dkontrollens effektivitet og dataregistrering. I en detaljeret unders0gelse bestemtes T. saginata tinters (864 stk.) anatomiske fordeling i zebukvaeg tilf0rt slagtehuset i Morogoro. Tinterne fandtes i folgende muskel- grupper med aftagende talmaessig forekomst: Hjertet, M. triceps brachii, tungen, M. psoas og massetergruppen. Leveren havde en relativ h0j forekomst af tinter og mi der- for betragtes som et vigtigt predelektionssted. Ved en omhyggelig opskaering af pre- delektionssteder hos inficerede dyr fandtes f01gende detektionsprocent: Hjerte (80%), M. triceps brachii (80%), massetergruppen (60%), tungen (60%) og leveren (53%). Bestemmelse af tinteforekomst i bide hjerte, M. triceps brachii og lever afsl0rede infek- tioner i 100% af tilfaeldene. Flertallet af inficerede k0dkroppe havde viable tinter. De kan konkluderes, at T. saginata taeniiasis og cysticercose udg0r et beklageligt men staerkt' undervurderet problem i Tanzania. De diagnostiske metoder til pivisning af sivel cysticercose som taeniiasis har i0jnefaldende begraensninger. Metodernes f01- somhed kan imidlertid 0ges betydeligt og den forebyggende kontrol g0res mere effektiv. Afhandlingens forskellige kapitler indeholder overvejelser og forslag til forbedring af offentlige kontrolforanstaltninger og til oplysning af forbrugere og kvaegavlere.
dc.publisherSokoine University of Agriculture
dc.subjectTaenia saginata
dc.titleTaenia saginata cysticercosis in cattle in Tanzania


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