Assessment of regeneration potential of selected local banana (musa spp.) cultivars on different substrates

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


Rice husks and saw dusts are traditionally used as initiation media for banana in vivo propagation. However, their physical properties have undesirable effect on shoot multiplication and growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of alternative growth media on the in vivo multiplication and shoot establishment in secondary nursery of three selected local banana cultivars. This study was carried out from April to October 2011 at the Horticulture Unit of Sokoine University of Agriculture, in Morogoro, Tanzania. It comprised of experiments established in a split plot under randomized complete block design (RCBD). The main factor was banana cultivars (Bukoba, Mtwike, and Mzuzu), while the sub-factor was the growth media (rice husks as a control, cocus peat and mixed medium). The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and mean separation was done based on Student-Newman-Keuls at P < 5% using COSTAT6.4 statistical software. Results showed that rice husks and mixed medium resulted in earlier (P < 0,05) sucker production at 18.88 and 20.26 days, respectively while cocus peat produced suckers within 23.02 days. Mixed medium (forest soil, farmyard manure and rice husks at 4:2:1 on volume basis) also resulted in the highest (P < 0,05) sucker productivity of 4.67 suckers per corm, the biggest sucker with height of 23.64 cm and collar diameter of 1.92 cm, leaf length and width of 24.13 and 13.10 cm, respectively. On the other hand, cv. Mzuzu produced the highest (P < 0,05) number of 5.70 suckers per corm compared with cv. Bukoba and Mtwike with 3.83 and 2.73 suckers per corm, respectively. The findings suggest that plantains have the best responce to in vivo multiplication while mixed medium is most suitable for enhancing shoot productivity and growth.


A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of science in crop science


Local banana, Regeneration potential, musa spp., Cultivars, Substrates
