Effect of genotype and genotype by environment interaction on total cyanide content, fresh root, and starch yield in farmer-preferred cassava landraces in Tanzania
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Wiley Periodicals, Inc
High starch yield is the most important trait for commercialized cassava starch
production. Furthermore, cyanide present in cassava roots poses a health chal-
lenge in the use of cassava for food. Cassava genotypes have varying maturity
periods that are also environmental dependent. This study aimed at identifying
suitable cultivars and optimum time of harvest to maximize starch production
across three environments. The study found significant difference between geno-
types, locations, harvest period, and all the interactions (P ≤ 0.001) for all traits
analyzed. Kiroba recorded high starch yields of 17.4, 12.7, and 8.2 t ha −1 at
Chambezi, Amani, and Magadu, respectively. Kilusungu recorded highest cyanide
content of 300–400 ppm across all locations but Kiroba recorded highest values
of 800 ppm, 15 months after planting at Chambezi. Genotype by environment
(GGE) biplot analysis revealed that Kiroba was a superior cultivar in terms of
starch yield. Kilusungu recorded highest cyanide content and average starch
yield, therefore suitable for use in starch production. The study confirmed effect
of genotype and genotype by environment interaction, Kiroba cultivar was su-
perior in terms of starch yield and maximum starch yield was obtained at
9 months after planting. Nyamkagile and Kibandameno had the lowest cyanide
content across all environments.
Journal Article
Cyanogens, GGE biplots, Manihot esculenta, Maturity period, Starch yield