Factors affecting sustainability of agricultural technologies in Tanzania: a case of bustani ya Tushikamane (byt) project in Morogoro region
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Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Sustainability of agricultural technologies is crucial for improving farmers’ livelihoods, food
security and poverty reduction. Most agricultural projects tend to be ultimately inactive as they
end leaving their beneficiaries poor and food insecure due to unsustainability of the projects.
The study on which this paper is based assessed sustainability of agricultural technologies and
factors affecting it. The study employed cross-sectional research design. Data were collected from
90 respondents using a questionnaire. Descriptive and ordinal logistic regression analyses were
done. Factors like market availability (p=0.000), training (p=0.021), and cost of the agricultural
technologies (p=0.000) significantly predicted the likelihood of sustainability of agricultural
technologies at 5% level of significance. It is concluded that training, market availability, and cost
of introduced agriculture technologies are crucial factors influencing sustainability of agricultural
technologies. For increased sustainability of agricultural technologies, it is recommended that
introduction of agricultural technologies should utilizing locally available resources to minimize
cost of the technologies.
Journal Article
Agricultural technologies, Sustainability, Small-scale farmers